The beginning of everything started from a simple thought, "The school life is so boring, is there any way to change it?" Immediately, a card game with many great illustrations floated in my mind; therefore, my friends and I went to search for it. "Magic The Gathering." Since then, the new age began to bloom.
As a newbie, I followed my instinct to choose red and black, which symbolized sacrifice and destruction. Also, as a beginner, I prefer to summon huge monsters to defeat my enemies; however, a deck like this shall be slow. In order to commit a fatal blow, Cauldron Dance, the first solution to handle the summoning problem of my Devouring Strosuss and Bloodfrie Colosuss. The deck had accompanied me for about a year.
Later, I tried to combine the creature force of green and the semi-control black. The first edition of my B/G is completely a mass. The main object of it was trying to draw as many cards as the deck could; on the other hand , it's also created to use those cheap rare cards. For the first period of B/G, it did lead me to a new tactical consideration.
The second edition of B/G indeed made the first golden age of my B/G series. The most famous combination is "Do or Die" plus "Chainer's Edict." By this edition, the B/G became powerful, and its price was remarkably cheap. This edition might be the sample of the cheap price exchanging the most powerful deck in all of my B/G series.
During the first period, A pure blue deck I made just for annoying my opponents, "The Land Controlling" deck. This one is really weak with my unlucky hands, but it did annoy a lot. As the first pure blue deck without any counter spell, this is just a start for the next evolution.
The third period of B/G, due to the environmental settings, in some case I must admit this edition became weak again. The only special thing of this deck was it still maintained its low price with more rare creature cards. In another way, this was also a deck summoning giant creatures directly, which became a usual design today.
Throughout the environment by the time, it seemed I can't renew my old decks for the new age successfully. On the contrary, I've created a miracle during this time, which should be my dark age. The "Astral" deck saved me. The prototype of the "Astral" deck was based on an idea, which was trying to draw a card by each used card; meanwhile, this is my first time making a white deck by myself. This miracle began with a card named "Astral Slide", which could control the creatures nearly eternal. There's another point needed to be noticed is the price was incredibly cheap, which even had no rare cards. The test of the prototype was predictable, which became a mass for its weakness by having no critical ways to win. Although the test showed the power was too weak, the drawing ability did shocked me.

The complete version of the "Astral" actually born a few days after the prototype. By adding red, the "Astral" became a fatal miracle. The combination of "Astral Slide" plus "Lightning Rift" was fantastic. In some multi player games, the "Astral" could even face more than one opponent at a time. Later, this combo got TOP8 in an official contest, thus my legendary deck was born.
With a non-creature deck, I'll need a creature deck to play. The biggest creature by the time was the "Dragon Tyrant", which could take down a player easily. With the "Butcher Orgg", the "Arcanis the Omnipotent", and the "Dragon Mage", a blue/red creature prototype was coming out. Finally, the appearance of the key, "Riptide Shapeshifter" let this deck born successfully. The "jump, jump, jump" later reformed my second legendary deck, which was totally a nightmare in my card club.
The "Steal, steal, steal" was the same color of blue/red. The major object of this deck was stealing everything my opponents had, even it's not in play or his hand. Slow was the main weakness of it. Unfortunately, the goblins at this time was really fast; therefore, I got to solve this problem as soon as possible. The "Synod Sanctum" and the "Custody Battle" solved my problem. For this construction, this one was a nightmare; moreover, after adding the expensive "Vedalken Shackles", the "Steal, steal, steal" truly became a deck nearly no one wants to face.
The fourth edition of B/G earned a title called "show time." Before a new environment released, I started to collect one equipment card named "Skullclamp." By the time no body knew why I'd try to collect this strange card, and I did showed them how powerful this card was later. After a few months, this card was forbidden by the official announcement, which proved my vision again.
The last two of my famous decks both earned names like "one man show" or "nightmare". As the publishing of the later environment, the deck got a little renewing until the school days were over. Of course some decks were made during that period; however, those were just can't be called my imagination, As the days elapsed, this history shall be restored piece by piece by my own hands.