The end of my military life
The same, boring life continued for a couple of months, which really tortured me for a while by the extreme boring and annoying tourists of Taiwan; however, most of the met problems was due to my bosses. By the time I really believed my service here shall end in such a boring situation. Evaluating my work after my service in military, I'm confused with my abilities, which included a huge area without a mastered one.
At least there's one thing happened today cheered me up a little bit. A tourist from America came, which would happen sometimes. But this one was different. Since the first time of the lady from Hong Kong, it's a long time for me to have such a good experience of talking to foreigners; meanwhile, it's also my first time helped a tourist like her as much as I possible.
Thank you, Karen Marshall, please forgive me for listing your full name here.
I'll keep you card and remember we've had a good conversation once in Jioufen.